
Archive for March, 2008

The 24 hour stomach flu has made its rounds in our home starting with Max last Saturday, ending with Hal today.  What a week!

In other but not so new, news…

I am slowly unraveling and falling into a mild state of depression over my inability to really help with Bella’s skin.  I feel like I need to regroup, come up with a plan that I can stick with, and see it through.  My problem is I lack discipline and I’m naturally cynical – huge obstacles to overcome. When I figure out what I need to do and stick to it, I’ll let you know.  I just have to get past this next week of testing and doctor’s appointments (for Bella) before I can take the mental space to think about this.

Well… we have gotten the first round of blood work back and this is what is up…

The list is in order from least allergic (1), to most allergic (4).  We will be getting more tests done when we get to the allergist.  The RAST test isn’t a very reliable one from what we have read, nor does it cover many foods.






white bean


egg white
soy bean
sesame seed

and #0 means she is not allergic and those few items are:

pecan nut

See, this test is pretty lame.  I mean, at least we know “for certain” that she has allergies, but damn… I need to know about so many more foods.  This coming week is filled with appointments.

Hal and I keep reminding one another that it could be worse.

I am struggling with the idea that it may be beneficial to Bella for me to give her the formula. I’m scared because I don’t want to make things worse for her but I’m also exhausted and feel it might be good for her and me.  I  eliminated from my diet so many foods.  On one hand, I’ve gotten used to the restrictions, on the other, its a bit depressing – and the restrictions could get greater with the next batch of testing.  I’m working on networking with other moms who have children with eczema like Bella’s.  I need their wisdom and support.
So, this has been what has been going on.  Hal and I are dealing well most days with me having mini-meltdowns once in a while.  Overall, we are still moving forward and keeping focused on all the wonderful parts of our lives – which is many.  And fortunately, Bella is a good natured, happy, and lovely little girl.  She is taking all this way better than her mommy.  I do need to take some steps back and regain a perspective that is healthier for both her and me.  Always easier said than done.  And always so worth the effort.

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